Suicide Prevention – A Call for Understanding
El Paso County Commissioners approved 2019 Suicide Prevention Proclamation. Commissioner Holly Williams shares a deeply personal message during her comments.
El Paso County Commissioners approved 2019 Suicide Prevention Proclamation. Commissioner Holly Williams shares a deeply personal message during her comments.
The Clerk and Recorder’s Office will conduct a public Logic and Accuracy test (L&A) on all ballot counting equipment that will be used for the 2019 Coordinated Election. This includes the Central Count Optical Scanners, and Voter Service and Polling Center ballot marking devices. The L&A test will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October…
The Board of County Commissioners recognizes the week of September 28 through October 6, 2019, as “Creek Week” in El Paso County and encourages citizens to help protect, restore and maintain our waterways by participating in “Creek Week” activities.
The El Paso County Clerk and Recorder’s Office has announced the Sample Ballot for the 2019 Coordinated Election is now available. Voters are encouraged to review the Sample Ballot and become familiar with the candidates, issues and questions prior to ballots being mailed on October 11. “We are committed to giving voters the information they…
The El Paso County Clerk and Recorder’s Office joins the National Association of Secretaries of State and various other organizations in recognizing tomorrow, Tuesday, September 24, as National Voter Registration Day. The purpose of the day is to encourage people to register to vote or check their registration to ensure it is up to date.…
Due to scheduling conflicts the regularly scheduled Board of County Commissioners meetings for next Tuesday (September 17) and next Thursday (September 19) have been canceled. El Paso County Commissioners will be joining other business, civic and government leaders for meetings in Washington, D.C. next week for the annual “DC Fly-In,” organized by the Greater Colorado…
El Paso County Community Services Department will begin trail/sidewalk construction on Chipita Park Road from Ute Pass Elementary School to Winnemucca Road, approximately 0.6 miles, on Monday, Sept. 9. Work will generally consist of placing new concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, roadway asphalt patching and ADA pedestrian ramps along the southern edge of Chipita Park…
El Paso County Department of Public Works will begin intersection improvements at the Marksheffel Road and Meadowbrook Parkway intersection on Monday, Sept. 9. Work will consist of installing new traffic signals at the intersection, adding turn lanes on Meadowbrook Parkway, pedestrian improvements, and some minor drainage modifications. Marksheffel Road will remain open to traffic during…
El Paso County’s Fountain Creek Nature Center and Bear Creek Nature Center announce the events and activities for September 2019 which includes: birds, bears, bugs, and Creek Week. Fountain Creek Nature Center 320 Pepper Grass Lane, Fountain, CO 80817 719-520-6745, Fountain Creek Nature Adventures: “Treemendous” Trees September 5, 9-10:30 a.m. Children ages…