Conservatory Presents “Jack”
VIDEO: The Colorado Springs Conservatory talks about their production “Jack” and how it relates to addressing bullying and teen suicide. Colorado Springs
VIDEO: The Colorado Springs Conservatory talks about their production “Jack” and how it relates to addressing bullying and teen suicide. Colorado Springs
El Paso County Fair Queen Cheyenne Holt visited the Board of County Commissioners on Thursday to promote the 113th El Paso County Fair, July 14-21 in Calhan. “I’ve had the pleasure of calling the El Paso County Fair my second home for the past nine years as an active member of 4H,” Holt said. She…
VIDEO: The newly constructed 1-25/Fillmore Bridge interchange was renamed in honor of Donald G. Stratton on June 8, 2018. Stratton is a Pearl Harbor survivor from the USS Arizona. Commissioners Proclaim Don Stratton Day in El Paso County Pearl Harbor Survivor Recognized as One of County’s Oldest and Most Distinguished Veterans Donald Stratton at the…
Marian Percy was honored by the Board of El Paso County Commissioners at its regular meeting Thursday, May 31, with an official Proclamation, expressing thanks for her 21 years in the Department of Human Services. “During her career, Mrs. Percy has made significant contributions focused on strengthening families and making homes safe for children, and has…
The Board of El Paso County Commissioners paid tribute at its regular meeting Thursday, May 24 to all American and Canadian veterans who have died fighting for our freedoms. Commissioner Peggy Littleton read a proclamation into the record recognizing Memorial Day, which falls on Monday, May 28, 2018. The proclamation honors those “who served bravely…
All El Paso County administrative offices, county affiliated agencies, El Paso County Combined Courts and the offices of the Fourth Judicial District Attorney will be closed Monday, May 28, in observance of Memorial Day. The Clerk and Recorder’s North Branch Motor Vehicle Office in the Union Town Center (Union and Research Parkway) will be open…
VIDEO: The Peace Officers Memorial was dedicated at Colorado Springs Memorial Park on May 15, 2018. The Peace Officers Memorial will be dedicated with the names of 32 peace officers killed in the line of duty since 1895 in El Paso and Teller Counties.
Public Works Week 2018’s theme is “The Power of Public Works.” El Paso County will celebrate by welcoming the public to an Open House on Thursday, May 24 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Charles “Chuck” Brown Transportation Complex at 3275 Akers Dr. in eastern Colorado Springs. The Board of El Paso County Commissioners…
El Paso County’s Chris Garvin was given the Pat Lysinger Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award by NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness at the annual Stepping Into the Light breakfast on May 3. Julie Krow, Department of Human Services Executive Director, presented the award to the Board of County Commissioners on. Garvin is…
The Board of El Paso County Commissioners joined the Pikes Peak Association of REALTORS® on Thursday, May 10, 2018, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the organization’s charter and its continued mission to promote the real estate profession in El Paso County and the region. Board of County Commissioners President Pro Tempore Mark Waller read the…