El Paso County Housing Authority
The El Paso County Housing Authority was established to help promote the availability of decent, safe, and affordable dwelling accommodations in the county for persons of low-to-moderate income. The Housing Authority advises the Board of County Commissioners on matters regarding the issuance of bonds for the acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation of single and multi-family residential housing to provide more affordable housing opportunities for residents. In addition, the Housing Authority manages the Housing Trust Fund, which was established to provide funding to agencies with experience in the design and administration of innovative programs that address local housing needs.
Housing Authority meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at noon at 9 E. Vermijo Ave., Colorado Springs, CO. Special meetings may be scheduled as necessary.
Members and Length of Terms:
The Housing Authority consists of five members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for five-year terms.
*For current volunteer members or for further information, please contact the Boards and Commissions Administrator at 719-520-6555.