Holly Williams

Commissioner Holly Williams Commissioner Holly Williams serves District 1 on the Board of County Commissioners. Her district encompasses northern El Paso County, including the North/Northeast areas of Colorado Springs, The United States Air Force Academy, as well as the unincorporated areas of Northern El Paso County including Woodmoor, Gleneagle and Black Forest.

Holly holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia and a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Additionally, she is a graduate of the Leadership Program of the Rockies.

Holly served for two terms as the Public Trustee of El Paso County, an appointment by Governor Bill Owens. She was elected by her peers to serve as President of the Colorado Public Trustee’s Association and successfully worked with the state legislature to pass needed changes in foreclosure law.

Holly strongly believes in and has lived a life of public service and dedication to our community. She has a strong record of working to improve our community, serving in various community groups, from Scouting and other youth groups to political involvement. Holly has been an officer of the Sunrise Republican Women’s club and has served in numerous positions within the El Paso County Republican Party.

Holly moved to Colorado in 1992 where she and her husband Wayne raised their four children. In her spare time, she is an accomplished pianist and frequently accompanies large congregations and local choirs. She enjoys books, board games, and puzzles. She is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Commissioner Williams took the oath of office for her second four-year term on January 10, 2023.

Boards and Committees:

  • Colorado Springs Convention Center and Visitor’s Bureau Partnership Committee
  • Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
  • Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG)
  • Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA)
  • Public Arts Commission
  • Region 16 Opioid Council
  • City/County Pikes Peak Library District Board

Liaison To:

  • Board of Adjustment
  • Community Corrections Board
  • Department of Human Services Liaison
  • El Paso County Board of Retirement
  • Forestry & Weed Advisory Commission

Chair/Vice-Chair Liaison To:

  • Citizen Outreach Group (COG)
  • El Paso County Facilities Corporation
  • Government Affairs Liaison- Federal Issues
  • Health Plan Trust Board