October 22, 2021 – El Paso County Commissioners heard from county offices and departments during scheduled hearings this week on the 2022 Preliminary Balanced Budget. Commissioners and the public had an opportunity to hear more about the individual budgets and critical needs outlined in the preliminary balanced budget for 2022.
The $512 million 2022 Preliminary Balanced Budget includes the second tranche of $69 million American Rescue Plan Act funds and $159 million in discretionary revenue that the Board of County Commissioners will distribute for core services and departments, including public safety and infrastructure. In addition, other funds set by state and federal laws and considered “restricted” will be used to fund operations, such as those from the Department of Human Services, the Road and Bridge Fund, and the Capital Improvement Fund.
In 2008, El Paso County’s population was 599,060 and is estimated to increase to 748,098 in 2022, a 25% increase. Under the Preliminary Balanced Budget, El Paso County will deliver county services at $306 cost per citizen, the lowest of any of Colorado’s ten largest counties. With a growing population, increased service demands, and unfunded mandates from the legislature and governor, the proposed budget strikes a balance between fiscal responsibility and sustainability.
The budget presentations this week emphasized the need to invest resources in critical high-priority areas, such as ongoing high-impact road infrastructure and maintenance, increasing demands for public health services, streamlining and modernizing county systems and processes, additional staffing for the District Attorney’s Office, and Pretrial Services.
“We take great pride in providing quality services to our citizens while remaining fiscally responsible,” said Stan VanderWerf, Chair of the Board of County Commissioners. “I was pleased with the staff presentations today and their emphasis on identifying critical needs and finding opportunities to enhance services to citizens by leveraging technology, streamlining staff and processes, fostering innovation, addressing legislative mandates, and managing public safety and COVID challenges.”
The Board of El Paso County Commissioners is expected to provide staff direction on the 2022 Original Adopted Budget during the regularly scheduled BoCC meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.
Members of the public are invited to attend and comment on the budget during any of the below meetings. The meetings are held at 9:00 am, in the Commissioner’s Hearing Room at Centennial Hall, 200 South Cascade Avenue.
The remaining 2022 El Paso County Budget hearing schedule is as follows:
2022 Budget Hearing – November 16, 2021
BoCC Direction on the 2022 Original Adopted Budget
2022 Budget Hearing – December 7, 2021
- Resolution to Adopt the 2022 Original Adopted Budget
[Statutory Deadline – December 15, 2021 C.R.S 29-1-108 (2) and (3)]
- Resolution to Certify the County Mill Levy
[Statutory Deadline – December 15, 2021 C.R.S 39-5-128 (1)]
- Resolution to Authorize the Treasurer to Transfer between Funds [Statutory Deadline – December 31, 2021 C.R.S 29-1-108 (4)] Adoption of the five Public Improvement Districts
Click here to join the meeting if you have a computer with a microphone and camera.
Via phone: 1-719-283-1263 and use Phone Conference ID: 702 866 973#
Via Facebook or Twitter @epcpio
The 2022 Preliminary Balanced Budget may be viewed online at the El Paso County website by going to https://admin.elpasoco.com/financial-services/budget-finance/county-budget/